Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cosmetic Surgery Patients Of The Greying Population ...

The Baby Boomer population is defined as the children born after WWII from the years 1946 to 1964. As the Baby Boomers get older many they are trying to retain their youthful looks more than ever. Older men and women are actually helping to increase the number of cosmetic surgeries performed every year. The population of the US is getting older but unlike previous generations, this population has placed a much more serious value on physical beauty.

In fact, some reports have shown that more attractive people actually make more money than their less attractive co-workers. Lots of people are saying in the work force longer than they used to and those more mature people want to look as good as their more youthful office mates and co-workers. There are many of different factors behind the increase in the popularity of plastic surgery. Reality plastic surgeon television shows compete with dramatic shows featuring good-looking plastic surgeons helping all sorts of equally sexy people. Cosmetic surgery is more accepted now.

People from this older generation have a healthy eating regimen, they exercise regularly and they want to look as youthful as they still feel. They are the first group of people to grow up with a real emphasis on healthy living. Cosmetic surgery can make a person?s external body look as good as they may feel on the inside. While some young people turn to cosmetic surgery to attract a love interest some older people use cosmetic surgery to simply look younger by a few years and improve their self-esteem.

The most popular cosmetic surgery request by far is the injection of Botox to smooth out wrinkly skin. Many of the more frequently performed procedures are meant to improve the skin, especially after decades of growing up without sun block. Skin and surface procedures such as microlaser facial peels, Botox injections, and wrinkle filling gels are often the first cosmetic surgical procedures tried.

Men usually opt for cosmetic procedures such as eyelid tucks, face tightening and other operations that make them look more youthful at the office. It is not only women who are visiting the local cosmetic surgeon. Most people think of plastic surgery as something that is more attractive to women, but that?s not always the situation. It?s true that many older women are having so-called ?mommy make-overs? which usually is composed of breast augmentation, a breast raising and a tummy tuck.

The expanding Baby Boomer population is more youth oriented and more interested hanging on to their natural health for as long as possible. As more and more mature men and women continue to search for ways to look younger there will be more cosmetic surgeons there to serve them. Plastic surgery is not just for the young anymore ? it is now a valid way for Baby Boomers to feel good about themselves.

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