Early Childhood Australia's?ECA WebWatch
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The best of early childhood news! Welcome to the latest issue of?ECA WebWatch, featuring news and research from around the world. In this issue:
Plus regular?ECA WebWatch?items:
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Early childhood news
Australia's National Children's Commissioner appointed
Megan Mitchell will begin her five-year term as?Australia's first National Children's Commissioneron 25 March 2013. Mitchell is currently the NSW Commissioner for Children and Young People and has extensive work experience in the improvement of the safety and wellbeing of children in Australia. In her new role, Mitchell will focus on at-risk and vulnerable groups of children, including children with a disability, Indigenous children and homeless children. ECA welcomed this announcement, as CEO Samantha Page stated, 'The best interests of our children must be a top priority for Australia and this cannot be achieved without someone specifically dedicated to keeping children's wellbeing on the national agenda'.
Baby born with HIV?is cured in the US
A child that was born with HIV AIDS in the United States has been off medication for a year with no further signs of infection. The two-year-old has become international news as theworld's second 'reported cure'. There are still traces of the virus in the child's system and there are no guarantees for their future health, but a higher and faster dose of medication seems to have worked. Scientists are excited at the prospect of research sparked by this case and the idea of decreasing child infection in Africa, where many babies are born with the virus.
Victorian schools to receive $41 million for literacy and numeracy
A renewed National Partnership agreement will see?$41 million invested in literacy and numeracy?for schools in Victoria. The Gillard Government is aiming to help around 280 schools through staff training and development and assisting students to improve their reading, writing and maths skills. The previous National Partnership ran from 2008-2012 and demonstrated the improved effect of targeted funding. School Education Minister, Peter Garrett stated that $243.9 million will be invested across Australia for the 2013 school year and as other states and territories sign up to the agreement, they will receive the benefits.
New funding for children with a disability
The Government has announced it will spend $20 million for early childhood education and care so?children with a disability will have greater access?to early childhood services. As Early Childhood Minister, Kate Ellis said 'we know the first five years of a child's life are crucial to their development, and we want to support families of children with a disability to have access to the important education and development opportunities that child care brings'.
Reports of centre closures surprising
Recently, there have been reports made about the pressure of meeting the?National Quality Framework?(NQF) requirements forcing early childhood education and care centres to close. However,?this news comes as a surprise?to many early childhood service providers. Tom Hardwick, CEO of Guardian Children's Alliance, has stated that he has seen no evidence of closures due to the NQF. As some centres close every year, Hardwick says?it is not due to pressure to meet new standards. He also noted that there are more property developers wishing to open new centres. Data demonstrates that from 2007, there are 3655 more service in operation. As ECA CEO, Samantha Page says, 'The clear trend here shows that far from closing, early childhood education and care services are booming'.
The harrowing truth of child protection
Reports made to child protection services go through a number of systems to prioritise which cases need immediate attention. The 'brutal game of numbers' involved in the child protection world has been described in a?recent article. This piece was written after reports were released of the death of a vulnerable child in NSW. While child protection workers are doing their best to prevent this type of occurrence, the sheer number of reports does not allow each one to be followed up with a visit from a case worker. As Pru Goward, Minister for Community Services says, 'In a perfect world every child would be seen every time, but you would need an army'.
Say NO WAY to bullying
Friday 15 March marks the National Day of Action to say?NO WAY to bullying and violence. Schools can register to 'Take a stand together' and raise awareness of this prevalent issue. There are resources available to help young children start conversations about bullying and become aware of the impact. In this third year of the National Day of Action, the first winners of the?Safe Schools are Smart Schools?competition will be announced. This competition is a Government initiative to help school communities deal with the issue of bullying.
Change the channel
Research surrounding the topic of?television-viewing and young children?usually focuses on the negative impact. However, a new study published in the journal?Paediatrics?researched the outcome of limiting violent television-viewing and increasing the viewing of educational programs that promote empathy. The results found that children's behaviour did improve and as certain programming can have negative effects on children, educational programs can have positive effects on behaviour.
Early Years Centre evaluation is released
The importance of integrated approaches in early childhood development services has been highlighted in an evaluation of the Early Years Centre (EYC) initiative released by the Department of Education, Training and Employment. The Queensland Government contracted Urbis Pty Ltd from December 2010 to October 2012 to undertake the evaluation of the EYC initiative which delivers integrated early childhood education, health and family support services. The evaluation found the EYCs have been implemented as intended and are achieving positive outcomes for children and families. They are successfully providing integrated multidisciplinary planning and delivery, a mix of universal and targeted services, engaging diverse families, and building community capacity. The evaluation summary is?available online.
Bilingual babies
Studies in previous years have researched newborn babies recognising different languages that they heard while in the womb. At the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), a new presentation was given about research with?seven-month-old babies and their understanding of different languages. The question?for the research revolved around how?babies can?distinguish different languages before they have an understanding of grammar. The answer was prosody. The cues of pitch and duration of words is affected by the type of language. So essentially, babies can tell the difference in language through word order.
National Quality Framework
National Quality Framework?administrative costs study
As a part of the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority's (ACECQA) responsibility under the National Law, they will?undertake a study into the administrative costsassociated with the implementation of the?National Quality Framework?(NQF) in early childhood services. Through the evaluation and understanding of these costs, ACECQA will create an evidence base for their reporting to Ministers about the NQF. The three parts of this study will include a cost assessment of the major administrative obligations, a perception survey and a summary report combining the findings of the first two components.
Supporting ECEC practitioners
Do you wish to be a member of the ECA Publications Committee?
The publications program is a vital part of ECA and is dependent on the voluntary contribution of early childhood professionals. ECA is calling for expressions of interest for a member to join the ECA Publications Committee. We are looking for a person who:
- is committed to the aims of ECA
- has broad knowledge in early childhood and expert knowledge in a particular field or developmental area of early childhood
- has good networks among childhood professionals.
For the full list of criteria and more information, please?click here. Expressions of interest should be submitted by 26 April 2013 to the Chair of the Publications Committee, atpublishing@earlychildhood.org.au?or PO Box 86, Deakin West, ACT 2600.
NSW early childhood teacher registration up for consideration
Minister for Education, Adrian Piccoli will consult extensively with the early childhood sector throughout the rest of the year before deciding whether early childhood teachers working in NSW will be?required to be registered by the NSW Institute of Teachers. This could be an important step for the professional recognition of degree qualified early childhood educators working in services across NSW. Piccoli announced that early childhood teachers will be considered for inclusion in the Institute of Teachers Act 2004.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment grants increase
Eligible early childhood educators who are undertaking a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment as a part of their completion of a Certificate III, Diploma, or Advanced Diploma will be able to apply for an?increased grant?from the Australian Government. The announcement was made that the RPL assessment grant will increase from $1125 to $3500 to assist with associated costs for students. Further guidelines and an application form will be made available soon.
New early years publication is available online
Grow & Thrive?is a publication developed by the Royal Children's Hospital Centre for Community Child Health (CCCH). Each edition of?Grow & Thrive?includes practical, evidence-based information on children's learning, health and development in the early years--from birth to school. It is a useful resource for early childhood education and care educators.
?NQS?Professional Learning Program?update
Environment Makeover
The final two episodes of the?'Environment Makeover.?National Quality Standard?ideas to actions'?documentary are now available. This video documents a service's development and implementation of a working Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) focused on aspects of Quality Area 3: Physical Environment.
You are welcome to share your comments, questions, and thoughts through the NQS PLPonline Forum?and ?Facebook page.
NQS PLP Facebook page
The?NQS PLP Facebook Page?community has been?steadily increasing. Many educators and early childhood professionals are regularly sharing their ideas over different topics and contributing to solve other educator's doubts, questions and requests. You can find?here?a good example of an inspiring conversation regarding literacy. 'Like' our Page to receive these updates and participate with your own comments and?ideas.
?KidsMatter Early Childhood?update
Supporting children's friendships
There were a lot of new starts for children at the beginning of the year--going to school for the first time or starting at a new early childhood education and care service, but by now many children will have settled in and are beginning to make friends and find their own friendship group. Educators may be keen to see the children in their settings learning how to get along with others:?this resource from KidsMatter?offers ideas on how you can help them to explore new friendships and support their developing social skills.
Reconciliation Action
Report informs experiences of children in out-of-home care
Not-for-profit organisation, CREATE, have released an independent?report of children's experiences in out-of-home care. Over 1000 children and young people contributed to this study which looked at a number of life domains. The results were relatable for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children as they make up one-third of children in out-of-home care. Three main findings were found in the results, including the fact that Indigenous respondents were reported with higher placement numbers. Indigenous respondents reported they had little information about why they were in care and 30 per cent reported they had little connection with their cultural community. Only 10 per cent of Indigenous respondents were aware that there are cultural support plans available.
ECA Greenwatch
Environment ideas for?early childhood?services
If you are looking for more ideas to enhance environmental education in your early childhood centre,?this web page?includes practical advice on environment and sustainability education for young children enrolled in education and care services, as well as advice for staff development in this area.
Animal fact sheets available
Looking for some information for children about the fauna they will meet in Australia? You candownload?fact sheets about several species, including butterflies, friarbirds, earthworms, cockatoos, skinks and more.
Quality-assured early childhood resources
ECA has a variety of quality-assured books available that will support your service's journey toward sustainable practices and teaching children the value of the environment.
The following is a selection of ECA's bestselling titles to provide you with guidance in this area. All of ECA's publications are?peer-reviewed?by early childhood experts, so you can be assured that our publications are of the highest quality, and relevant to you and your work.
Play to learn: Building literacy in the early years
Fee, fie, phonemic awareness: 130 prereading activities for preschoolers
Jump into literacy: Active learning for preschool children
Learning literacies: Positive approaches for early childhood educators
Conferences and dates
Glen Eira: Key Conversations 2013--21 February-5 December 2013
Family Planning Queensland--Master Class Workshop, Traffic Lights: Working with children and young people with problem sexual behaviours--19 March 2013
Playgroup Victoria State Conference--Laying the Foundations: Playgroups contributing to family mental health and wellbeing--2-3 May 2013
The Australian Association of Maternal, Child and Family Health Nurses 5th Biennial National Conference: Connections with families, with communities, with colleagues--9-11 May 2013
Positive Schools 2013 Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference--23 May-7 June 2013
For Our Children: Living and learning together--Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care National Conference--4-6 June 2013
Australian Montessori Centenary Conference--8-9 June 2013
Happiness and its causes: Tools and techniques for a happier life--19?-20 June 2013
ECTA Annual Conference--22 June 2013
Rudolf Steiner Conference for Early Childhood Education--7-13 July 2013
Fifth International Community, Work and Family Conference: Changes and challenges in a globalising world--17-19 July 2013
Safe Sleep Space conference series--6-16 August 2013
ACECQA: National Quality Framework Conference--12-13 September 2013
Annual Environmental Education in Early Childhood (EEEC) Conference 'Reflecting on education for sustainability in curriculum'--14 September 2013
WA Early Childhood Education and Care Conference--26-27 October 2013
The Infant and Early Childhood Social & Emotional Wellbeing Conference--30 October-2 November 2013
World Forum on Early Care and Education--6-9 May 2014
ECA National Conference 2014: Seasons of Change--September 2014
The ECA Values Statements
Early Childhood Australia is guided in its work by endorsed values. These sit alongside ECA's Principles, Positions, Code of Ethics, Scope of Activities and Governance Guidelines as our Foundation Materials. With the other Foundation Materials the ECA values inform ECA's Strategic Directions and all our day-to-day work. View the?ECA Values statements.
ECA website usability survey
We need your help! We are asking people who use the ECA website for their opinions. By taking part in our?usability survey, you are helping us to make a better website.
Help us expand the?ECA WebWatch?community
Please pass this e-newsletter service on to friends and colleagues with this link to subscribe:www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/mail
Early Childhood Australia's?strength is determined by the strength of its members and supporters. It is only through your support that we can advocate for and on behalf of the sector. As a reader of?ECA WebWatch?you can make a big difference to the sector. By forwarding this newsletter to colleagues and inviting them to subscribe, you extend our advocacy chain -- increasing our ability to communicate and work with the sector.
Let us know what you think ...
We welcome any suggestions or comments you have:?webwatch@earlychildhood.org.au.
Past issues?of?ECA WebWatch?are available on the?Early Childhood Australia?website.
Sign up
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If you do not wish to receive?ECA WebWatch, send a blank email?with a subject of?Unsubscribe ECA Webwatch?to?unsubscribe@earlychildhood.org.au?from the email address it was sent to.
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Please send an email to?webwatch@earlychildhood.org.au, clearly stating your?old?email address as well as yournew?address.
(Please remember to add?webwatch@earlychildhood.org.au?to your safe senders list to ensure that you receive your copy of?ECA WebWatch?promptly.)
ECA WebWatch--Issue 157, March 2013. ??Early Childhood Australia.
Please consider the environment before printing.
Source: http://www.wellbeingaustralia.com.au/wba/2013/03/early-childhood-australia-webwatch-157.html
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